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Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Gunta Sloga: Presentation of the research

Speaker: Gunta Sloga, Executive Director of the Baltic Media Center of Excellence.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Lauri Palsa: Media literacy strategy. Experience stories

Speaker: Lauri Palsa, Senior Adviser in National Audiovisual Institute of Finland.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference“Media literacy.Roadmaps.” Sonia Livingstone: Media literacy strategy. Experience stories

Speaker: Sonia Livingstone, Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy.Roadmaps.” Gitte Bang Stald: Media literacy strategy. Experience stories

Speaker: Gitte Bang Stald, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Digital Society and Participation, IT University of Copenhagen.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” How to strategically reach different groups in society

Experience stories and expert opinions: How to strategically reach different groups in society.
How to reach different groups in society effectively – especially those who are somewhat immune to, do not use, or distrust so-called traditional media content? What are the reasons? How to communicate with different audiences about media literacy? How to plan a media literacy strategy to achieve them?

Speakers: Klinta Ločmele, Media Literacy Expert, Head of the IREX Baltic Media Literacy Program at the University of Latvia;

Solvita Denisa-Liepniece, Adviser to Executive Director of the Baltic Media Center of Excellence on Disinformation Issues, Assistant professor and researcher at Vidzeme University;

Zane Matesoviča, Director at British Council Latvia;

Ginta Zalcmane, Head of Information Services and Interlibrary Loan Department of National Libary of Latvia;

Kaspars Rūklis, Program Manager for IREX’s Media Literacy in the Baltics Program.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” How to develop a media literacy strategy in Latvia?

Discussion: How to contribute to the development of a media literacy strategy in Latvia?
Media literacy has become an important competence in everyday life – in both civic and individual decision-making. Is there a need for a national media literacy strategy? What are the challenges for Latvia in promoting media literacy? What actions are needed? What actions should be prioritised?


Dace Melbārde, Member of the European Parliament, former Minister of Culture of Latvia;

Aiga Grišāne, assistant to Dace Melbārde, Member of the European Parliament, former Head of the Media Policy Division of the Ministry of Culture of Latvia;

Vita Anda Tērauda, Member of the Saeima, Chairman of the Media Policy Subcommittee of the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission;

Arvils Ašeradens, Member of the Saeima, Chairman of Education, Culture and Science Committee;

Jānis Lielpēteris, Adviser for the Minister of Culture on Media Policy Issues.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Ivars Āboliņš: Opening speech on Day 2 of the conference

Speaker: Ivars Āboliņš, Chairman of National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy.Roadmaps.” Audrius Perkauskas: Opening speech on Day 2 of the conference

Speaker: Audrius Perkauskas, Deputy Head of Unit at EUCommission, DG for Communication Networks, Content and Technology.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy.Roadmaps.” M. Chapman: The role of media and journalists in media literacy

Speaker: Martina Chapman, Media Literacy Expert, National Media Literacy Coordinator in Ireland.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Latvian media experience in content production

Experience stories and discussion: Latvian media experience in content production: challenges and future opportunities.
What is the past experience of the media in creating and disseminating content on media literacy? How successful have you been in reaching your audience and getting feedback? What are the challenges and opportunities? What support would the media need to promote media literacy in society?

Moderator: Patriks Grīva, Council Member of National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia.

Speakers: Ingemārs Vekteris, Chairman of the Board of Vidzeme Television (Re:TV);

Ilgvars Rukers, Creative Director of Radio SWH;

Andrejs Trokša, Chairman of the Board of Divu krastu radio;

Una Klapkalne, Chairman of the Board of Latvian Radio;

Anna Platpīre, Commissioning Editor of Latvian Television.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Wendy Bryan: How to research media literacy in society?

Speaker: Wendy Bryant, Ofcom Senior Research Manager.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Expert discussion: How to research media literacy in society?

Speakers: Klinta Ločmele, Media Literacy Expert, Head of the IREX Baltic Media Literacy Program at the University of Latvia;

Agnese Dāvidsone, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Vidzeme University, Associate Professor, Researcher;

Ilva Skulte, Associate Professor of Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Communication;

Sandra Murinska, Assistant Professor and Researcher of Rezekne Academy of Technologies.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Ľuboš Kukliš: How to fight disinformation in the digital age?

Speaker: Ľuboš Kukliš, Chair at European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA), former Chair of European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA), Executive Director of the Slovak Audiovisual Media Services Regulator.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Discussion. How to fight disinformation?

Speakers: Viktors Makarovs, Special Envoy on Digital Issues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia;

Andris Mellakauls, Head of Information Space Integration Division of Ministry of Culture of Latvia;

Jānis Sārts, Director at NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence;

Rihards Bambals, Head of Strategic Communications at State Chancellery of Latvia;

Mārcis Balodis, Researcher of Centre For East European Policy Studies.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference“Media literacy.Roadmaps.” Milan Zubíček: Contribution of online platforms to media literacy

Speaker: Milan Zubíček, Public Policy and Government Relations Manager at Google in Brussels.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy.Roadmaps.” Sandra Särav: Contribution of online platforms to media literacy

Speaker: Sandra Särav, Facebook Public Policy Manager for CEE region.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Discussion: Trust in the media and the truth

Discussion: Trust in the media and the truth.
What is the role of the media in the fight against disinformation? How is the fight against disinformation affected by the loss of trust in traditional media? How to foster an alliance between media, journalists, and society to strengthen the role of professional journalism, especially during the infodemic times?

Moderator: Džina Donauskaite, Executive Director, Lithuanian Journalism Centre.

Speakers: Sirkku Kotilainen, Professor at the University of Tampere;

Helle Tiikmaa, President of Estonian Association of Journalists;

Indrė Makaraitytė, Head of Research Department of Lithuanian public media LRT;

Filips Lastovskis, “DELFI plus” editor.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Conference “Media literacy. Roadmaps.” Conclusion of the Conference

Conclusion of the Conference.

Speakers: National Electronic Media Council (NEPLP)

Chairman Ivars Āboliņš;

Vice-Chair Aurēlija Ieva Druviete;

Member of the Council Patriks Grīva;

Member of the Council Ieva Kalderauska.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Pētījums par Latvijas iedzīvotāju medijpratību un mediju satura lietošanas paradumiem

Sabiedrības aptauja un dziļās intervijas ar mediju ekspertiem. Pētījums ir tapis sadarbībā starp NEPL padomi un Latvijas faktiem.

Tēma: Medijpratība

Autors: NEPLP

Gads: 2021

Report “Media Literacy Sector Mapping in Georgia, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine”

In 2021 the BCME in cooperation with Media Development Foundation (Georgia), Independent Journalism Centre (Moldova) and with the Ukrainian Media and Communication Institute (Ukraine) carried out research project entitled “Media Literacy Sector Mapping in Georgia, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine”.

The four country reports and the General Overview and Recommendations paper (which is based on country repots) are focusing on actors, audiences and activities. Given the dynamics of developing the media literacy sphere, the research team focused on a set of country specific recom­mendations in the following dimensions: cross-sectoral cooperation and networking; evaluation of media literacy activities; sustainability and funding; media involvement.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the Black Sea Trust, a Project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States; the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the BCME and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporting institutions or their partners.

Tēma: Algoritmi

Autors: Baltijas Mediju izcilības centrs

Gads: 2021