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Report “Media Literacy Sector Mapping in Georgia, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine”

In 2021 the BCME in cooperation with Media Development Foundation (Georgia), Independent Journalism Centre (Moldova) and with the Ukrainian Media and Communication Institute (Ukraine) carried out research project entitled “Media Literacy Sector Mapping in Georgia, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine”.

The four country reports and the General Overview and Recommendations paper (which is based on country repots) are focusing on actors, audiences and activities. Given the dynamics of developing the media literacy sphere, the research team focused on a set of country specific recom­mendations in the following dimensions: cross-sectoral cooperation and networking; evaluation of media literacy activities; sustainability and funding; media involvement.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the Black Sea Trust, a Project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States; the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the BCME and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporting institutions or their partners.

Tēma: Algoritmi

Autors: Baltijas Mediju izcilības centrs

Gads: 2021